This website is the home for various scientific efforts directed towards the
analysis of music interpretation.
What is Music Interpretation Analysis
A number of publications in the Music Information Processing field were born
around Music Interpretation Analysis:
- F. Simonetta, F. Avanzini, and S. Ntalampiras, “A Perceptual Measure for Evaluating the Resynthesis of Automatic Music Transcriptions,” Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2022, link.
- F. Simonetta, S. Ntalampiras, and F. Avanzini “Acoustics-specific Piano Velocity Estimation,” MMSP, 2022, link.
- F.Simonetta, F. Avanzini, S.Ntalampiras, “Score-Informed Music Interpretation Analysis and Transcription,” Signal Processing, Elsevier, submitted, link
- F. Simonetta, “Music Interpretation Analysis: A Multimodal Approach to Score-Informed Resynthesis of Piano Recordings,” PhD. Thesis, 2022, link.